He was born Christopher John Coady March 26, 1996. He was your typical happy healthy baby boy with a big ear to ear smile.
On July 1, 1997, age 16 months he was diagnosed with Bilateral Retinal Blastoma eye cancer. After many chemo treatments and trips to Toronto's Hospital for sick children, at a very young age of 2.5 he lost his left eye to the disease.
Well known musicians as the late Jeff Healy and Terry Kelly both have the same disease.
His parents are Tim and Dana Coady, two of the strongest people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
Christopher began school at age 5 as most children do, he blended right in and had many friends. He loved to ride his bicycle, scooter, roller blade, play road hockey, music, play his video games, read wrestling magazines and as most kids run and play with his friends. He also had a laugh so distinct you could hear him over any crowd of children.
Then the unthinkable happened on March 16, 2005, he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. The same cancer that Terry Fox had. This claimed his left Humaras on September 3, 2005 and was replaced with an adjustable Titanium Rod. He was discharged from the hospital on November 11, 2005.
In spite of all that Christopher had been through, he remained happy and very positive. He was a big Halifax Mooseheads fan. He was also Montreal Canadians #1 fan. He and his parents went to many Mooseheads games. He even got his picture in the Chronicle Herald with the Mooseheads while at the IWK hospital and received an autographed jersey from the team. He and his friend Anthony along with his parents flew to Montreal to see a Canadians hockey game where he met the team Captain Saku Koivu.
He loved his grandparents Gerald and Joane Coady very much. I would jokingly call him Little Gerald due to the fact he loved money and was very good with it just like his grandfather. He also had a very special bond with his Aunt Susan that I can't explain. Christopher loved everyone he knew and everyone loved him back, he had a way of melting your heart. He and his buddy Travis Comeau spent countless hours together at home and in the hospital just being buddies and playing games, watching movies and such.
Then it happened again during a routine checkup, doctors found a tumor on his left lung on June 17, 2008. Diagnosed with Bilateral Thoracotomy. Doctors acted quickly and with chemo he responded and healed very quickly from this episode.
But in spite of all this he remained strong in spirit and positive. Still the happy go lucky child. He excelled in school through all of this and was a very bright and intelligent young man.
On November 11, 2008, he was readmitted to the hospital and diagnosed on November 12th with an inoperable tumor on his spine. Osteosarcome again this was treated with Radiation.
He spent Christmas 2008 in the hospital while at home a major renovation to the family home was underway. This was spearheaded by close family friends Clevie and Michelle. There were also many corporate donors and trades people who donated supplies and labour and were able to transform their home into a wheelchair accessible comfortable home for Christopher including a chair lift outside.
On March 26, 2009, Christopher had an amazing 13th birthday party with at least 100 people attending. He had a blast and the weather was warm and sunny; it was great! He enjoyed many presents and lots of good food. He was able to get home on the odd weekend pass which he loved.
Later in the week of March 26th, he developed pneumonia and at approximately 4:30 am on April 1, 2009, Christopher departed us. His Journey here has ended and a New Journey has begun.
The parents of Christopher are Tim and Dana Coady.